Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Trip Over and the First Day

Wassup Hoes,

This is a catchup post, to let you all know how my flight went and how yesterday, my first full day in Japan was. The good news about those things is that I don't have any jetlag at all, thank you staying up all night. Now, without further ado I give you the Flight

The Flight

I was worried about flying out of America on 9/11. Not because I was afraid of terrorists or anything, I was just afraid of what a zoo security was going to be and all that good stuff. Security wasn't that bad at all I was really surprised. I also liked the added touch of playing the 9/11 specials on the TVs near the gate. That is definately what I want to watch before I get on a 13 hour plane flight. While I was in economy, the seats weren't too bad. We were still packed like sardines but it was probably one of the most comfortable sardine cans I've ever been in. We also got served like...2 and a half meals during the flight and they were all really good. I got a special meal because I let the airline know I was a vegetarian and there were no problems with that.

The First Meal

The second big meal looked pretty similar to that. I also didn't feel that bored on the plane, they had a lot of stuff to do, like play video games and watch movies. I started to get really antsy during the last 2 hours though. When we got into Narita airport, we had to go through customs and immigration. I don't know what I was expecting but wasn't at all like I thought it would be. On the plane I had to fill out a customs card, declaring what I was bringing into the country. When I got to the customs desk I handed it to him and prepared to have my stuff searched. Nope, nothing of the sort. Perhaps America has just prepared me to have all of my shit searched at the slightest provocation. After that we had to go through security again to get to the domestic flights, also way easier than I ever thought it could be. I didn't have to take my shoes off! It was like a whole new wonderful airport security experience.

The second flight was really nice, it was about 45 minutes and the view from the window was awesome. I wish I had been able to get more pictures. What I did get a picture of however, was the in flight magazine.

Nothing Says Welcome To Japan Quite Like This
We also made some new friends that were going to Nagoya Gakuin as well so that was nice to have a larger group of people traverse the airports with us, moral support and all that. Once we arrived in the Chubu airport we had to wait for the other people to get off their flights so a bus could take us all to the school. I went ahead and snapped this as the start of my adventure proper.

The First Day

While I did end up going out the night of our arrival in Japan, it was only to grab dinner from a convenience store, so I hardly think that counts. I was freaking out because I didn't have an ethernet cable, but I managed to just go to sleep because I was so tired and then I just acquired it the next day. I got some pictures of my room, so everyone can see it. It's pretty nice.

The View From My Balcony

These are all photos from my personal room, my roommate has a room that's really similar minus the closest. We share a balcony, and a bathroom and kitchen. It is a lot bigger than I had thought it was going to be going in. This is the place I had
applied for a dorm in, but I like it so it doesn't really matter.

I'll upload the communal areas soon, I feel like this post is super picture heavy already.

When I got up the next day, I had pringles for breakfast so I figured I might as well go and get some more food, I happened upon the other Gaijin while walking and so we all ended up going to the Yamanaka grocery store. So I am eating fruit AND pringles, very healthy. After that I went on a traumatizing search for an ethernet cable. They don't tell you how to get through a conversation like that in Japanese class, but I managed to get to Kojima, which apparently is an electronics store, and get one with no real issues. After that we had a meeting for all the people who are living in my dorm the seminar house. Post-Meeting we went in search of the book-off but ended up finding a Japanese McDonald's and two pachinko parlors. You know what...I'll take it. Looks like the objective for the near future is find that damn book-off!

Slightly unrelated note, I'm pretty sure I've spent like....10 dollars in vending machines already. Oh well.

Until Next Time,


1 comment:

  1. Your room looks nice! Smaller, but not too small and pretty damn cozy.

    The Welcome to Nagoya sign is cute...it can be the beginning page to your scrapbook about the trip. buahahah.
